Saturday, 4 January 2014

Woman Dead from Electric Accident

Another piece of dangerous/faulty electrical equipment cost the life
of a 25 years old woman on (23/10/13).
morning. She was using what seems to be an immersion heater (seems
to, because the portuguese word according to google translateanda
genuine google-search on the word means a diving bird (mergulh�o,
which google translates to "loon" in english. Google doesn't know the
danish equivalent, but my oldfashioned dictionary did, and could tell
me that "loon" is the american version of what in real british english
is called a "diver" - and in danish "lom", which I'm sure is of little
interest to the public here, but illustrates which kind of research
can be nescessary to post here).
The poor woman went unconscious and was brought to hospital alive, but
died there.
The two images with inserts are from different websites.

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